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Page 2C NEIGHBORS Hays Free Press • July 25, 2012
The Hays High School Class of '77
hosted a two-day event to celebrate their
35th reunion. A Friday night dinner was
held at Historic Kyle City Hall followed by
a Saturday dinner and dance at the Paint-
ed Horse Pavilion in Buda. The '77 gradu-
ates invited the classes of'74 through
'80 to join them at the Saturday night
celebration. Two teachers also attended
the Samrdaynight event, Joyce Smithey ;
and Coach Bob Shelton. Traveling the
farthest were Hal Scott from Virginia and
Bruce Pederson from Tennessee.
Attending the reunion were represen-
tatives of the Hays Education Founda-
tion to invite alumni to join the founda-
tion and attend a tailgate party at the
Rebel Homecoming on October 12. The
Hays Education Foundation will also
host a tailgate party and alumni chal-
lenge at the Lehman Homecoming.
Celebrating Hays High School Class of '77 are (back, I-r) Angle Tapia Moreno, Sandra Tenorio, Carol
Hubbard, Esmeralda Zavala, Jo Ann Wilson Scott, Donna Cox Wallace and Tammy Steele Hartman.
(front, I-r) Liz Worely Ferguson, Debbie Cox Thames and Bonnie Dablegott Becker.
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p~netired revolutionary
cho Villa took his last
e on July 20, 1923 not
astride his favorite horse Seven
Leagues but behind the wheel
of a 1919 Dodge touring car.
Among the hardened
outcasts from the wilds of
northern Mexico that an-
swered Francisco Madero's
stirring call to arms was ban-
dit chieftain Doroteo Mango,
alias Pancho Villa. The illiter-
ate hall-breed did not know
the first thing about formal
military tactics, but he had a
merciless knack for striking
terror in the hearts of the rich
and privileged.
By the spring of 1911, with
the soldiers of dictator Porfirio
Diaz bottled up in their bar-
racks, Villa controlled the
state of Chihuahua. Else-
where, however, the rebellion
progressed at a far slower
pace causing Madero to turn
thumbs down on the daring
idea of a surprise attack on
Ciudad ]uarez.
Displaying his usual disre-
gard for the chain of com-
mand, Villa seized the sister
city of E1 Paso with surprising
ease. On the other side of the
Rio Grande, Texans by the
thousands observed from
their rooftops the brief but
bloody battle. The next morn-
ing, they watched in horror
as Villa personally executed
high-ranking captives.
The fall of Juarez doomed
the 27-year reign of strong-
man Diaz, who soon fled the
scene. But his long overdue
departure did not bring down
the curtain on the Mexican
Revolution, which eventu-
ally claimed two million lives
and encouraged more than
250,000 Mexicans to immi-
grate to Texas.
A Pollyanna dreamer
rather than a two-fisted ruler,
Madero had hardly assumed
power before cynical generals
began to plot his overthrow.
As his reward for loyally stand-
ing by the endangered hero,
Villa was thrown in prison by
the muddleheaded Madero.
Failing to see the benefits
of incarceration, Villa literally
walked away in early 1913 and
did not stop until safely reg-
istered in an E1 Paso hotel. In
his absence, Madero was mur-
dered byVictoriano Huerta,
who immediately filled the
presidential vacancy.
Like an avenging angel
of death, Villa returned and
organized a huge private army
based upon the strength of
his personality rather than
politics. As unpredictable
as he was independent, the
towns of the strife-torn north
never knew whether to expect
courtesy or carnage from the
volatile rebel. Sometimes
Villa and his men were perfect
gentlemen, while on other oc-
casions they reverted back to
their bandit roots raping and
plundering at will.
Since the luarez victory, the
U.S. press had portrayedVilla
as a swashbuckling Robin
Hood. In keeping with this
uncritical coverage, American
reporters deliberately over-
looked the many atrocities
committed by the villistas.
Even WoodrowWilson,
impressed by the fact that Villa
did not bad-mouth the United
States, was swayed by the
slanted stories. The president
picked Pancho as the leader
best qualified to calm the
troubled waters of the stricken
With the fall of Huerta in
1914, the revolution entered
a third blood-soaked phase.
Neither Villa in the north nor
peasant champion Zapata to
the south had a program to re-
store order and pull the coun-
try together. When Venustiano
Carranza boldly seized power,
a savage civil war ensued.
Deciding in the fall of 1915
that Carranza clearly had the
upper hand, Wilson extended
full recognition and complete
support. Incensed by what
he interpreted as a backstab-
bing betrayal, Villa went on a
rampage. Failing to get a rise
out of the patient president,
he crossed the border in an
unprecedented raid on Co-
Jo G. Callison, 80, retired
bookkeeper of Dripping
Springs, formerly of Kyle,
died Thursday, July 19, 2012.
Funeral services were held
on Sunday, July 22, 2012 at
Harrell Funeral Home in Kyle
followed by burial in Kyle
Alyse Nicole Grosskopf,
age 13, was born in Austin on
February 16, 1999 and was
called to the angels to join
them above on Monday, July
16, 2012.
Alyse is survived by her
mother, Joann Grosskopf; fa-
ther, Ryan R. Grosskopf; grand-
parents, Joyce and Jimmy But-
ler and Marilyn J. Grosskopf,
brother, Thomas Purcell; sister,
Christina Purcell; aunts, uncles
and many cousins.
Memorial services were
held at the Thomason Funeral
Home on Tuesday, July 24,
2012 inW'unberiey. Burial ser-
vices followed at Wimberley
Buda Bits
Continued from pg. 1C
Mike Manning and Ralph
Pfiuger on July 30; Ginny
Harlow and 97-year-old
Helen McCaughan on July 31.
Birthday wishes to ]esse Logan
on the first day of August.
Anniversary wishes to Steve
and Charlotte Quisenberry
on their 22nd wedding day
on July 27 and to Buda City
Council member Todd Ruge
and wife Elizabeth on their
sixth anniversary on August 1.
So glad to hear that Pat
(Jones) Shoemaker has had a
truly amazing recovery after
having surgery and is now at
Legend Oaks at Plum Creek.
She should be there for a cou-
ple of weeks and then home.
Only a month before school
starts again, enjoy the lazy
days of summer.
lumbus, New Mexico.
That was, of course, the last
straw and provoked military
intervention by the U.S. For
months Gen. "Black Jack" Per-
shing searched high and low
for V'tUa but withdrew empty-
handed in January 1917.
Villas force of 50,000 steadily
dwindled down to 600 before
his negotiated surrender in
1920. In exchange for tossing
in the towel, he was granted
amnesty and given a hacienda.
Surrounded by his personal
staff and admiring hangers-
on, Villa was more than happy
to let bygones be bygones. But
a fanatic handful of upper-
class enemies would not be
denied their revenge.
For three long months, the
eight conspirators hid in a
house in the town of Parral,
where the retired rebel owned
a hotel. Confident Villa would
show his face sooner or later,.
they bided their time and
cleaned their guns.
On a hot summer day in
1923, Villa finally appeared
with five companions. Finish-
ing their business at the hotel,
Pancho and his pals piled into
the shiny Dodge and headed
for the hacienda.
The first shot shattered
the windshield striking Villa
squarely in the chest. As the
automobile careened out of
control and crashed into a
tree, the assassins ran into the
street with guns blazing.
Seconds later the shooting
stopped. Sixteen bullets had
done the job. Lying lifeless in
the front seat was the invin-
cible Pancho Villa.
Do you have your copy of
"Tornadoes, Hurricanes &
Other Disasters," the latest "Best
of This Week in Texas History',
column collection? Order today
at or mail a check
for $14.20 to Bartee Haile, P.O.
Box 152, Friendswood, TX
Texas Crossword
and Sudoku sponsored by
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See Solution, page 3C
ACROSS 45 TX McOonaughey 2006
1 USS Texas fired its film:" Are Marshall"
guns at Omaha 46 snow slider
Beach on - 47 contributed
5 country singer 49 TXism: "all vine, __
McEntire!on" (facade)
6 TX Motor Speedway 52 Cut __ Shoot, TX
track shape 53 on NASDAQ, this TX
7 __ Island, TX co. is "TXN"
8 pen fluid 54 short informal messages
9 TXism:" 55 TX Comanche Peak
feed" (insignificant) __ Power Plant
16 TX Kenny Rogers'
"1 Don't You"
18 Rockne, TX was
named for coach
of this university
21 TX singer Orbison
(init.) 58 county of
22 TX Waylon "73 Waxahachie
album: "Lonesome, 59 egg __, dairy
On'ry and " Xmas drink
23 Dal beat this city in 60 TX cosmetics
20tl NBA Finals mogul Mary Kay
24 TXism: "nervous
in a room of 6t __ up shop" 13
rockin-~g chairs" DOWN
30 birth month of TX 1 TXism: "just a __ 14
Crystal Bernard ..~.. the bucket"
34 Ranger CEO Notan 2 in Medina Co. 15
(init,) on t-35
35 village in Belt Co. 3 TXism: "cold as _ 17
just east of 1-35 ____ heart"
36 'TII do nothing of 4 TX George W's 19
the " alma mater
37 TXism: "tall 9 TX-bom 5-star
the pack" (leader)admiral Nimitz (init.) 20
39 Catholic Church is 10 Nolan Ryan is a
largest Christian " hero" 24
in TX of Alvin, TX
43 TX Dabney Coleman tl newspaper: "The
was in '98 film Huntsville " 25
" Got Mail" 12 Cry~al Beach's
44 in Tarrant Co. on 496 "TX __ Festival" 26
in Kames Co.
on hwy. 181
ex-Cowboy DE:
__ "Too Tall" Jones
many TXns fought
in Viet
dog stink?" (yes)
late TX resident
Greet Carson film:
"Mrs. "('42)
"E" of Ranger or
Astro "ERA" stat
TX Charley Pride's
"My Eyes Can Only
See __ Far as You"
TXism: "tear jerker"
(__ movie)
bitter beers
by Charley & Guy Orbison
Copyright 20t2 by Orbison Bros,
19 20
i -
27 location of Rangers
opponent Blue Jays
28 TXism:
"independent as _
29 TXism: "that brings
31 road hazards:
32 "three" prefix
33 TXism: "if he's a
__, he'll crow
38 heraldic tincture red
40 TX Robin Wright
'99 film: "Message
41 TX singer Stuckey
42 honky tonk fixture
(2 wds.)
48 eat dinner
50 sorrows
5t TX Tanya's "One
Love __ _ Time"
56 forearm bones
57 TXism:" but
no cigar"
See Solution, page 3C